13 May 2024

Former Pupil & Parent event 2024

Former Pupil & Parent event 2024

Westbrook Hay Former Pupil & Parent Event, 2024: A Day of Reunion and Celebration

Almost 200 attendees booked to attend the Westbrook Hay annual Former Pupil & Parent Event. From recent leavers to those who roamed the grounds back in the 1970s, the school buzzed with excitement and nostalgia.

The event was not just about former pupils; previous teachers also joined the festivities. It was heartwarming to see old connections rekindled and new ones formed. The sun graced us with its presence, highlighting the picturesque grounds. Former pupils strolled through familiar paths, reminiscing about their school days.

And what’s a reunion without delicious treats? The afternoon tea spread was amazing. Shortbread, sandwiches, and delicate pastries delighted everyone’s taste buds. As parents talked on the lawns, former pupils explored the scenic surroundings, sharing memories and stories.

It was a lovely afternoon. Westbrook Hay continues to be a school where lasting friendships are formed. 



Former Pupils 2024

Former Pupils News