17 May 2024

Rebecca's travels

Rebeccas travels

When we distributed our annual former pupil newsletter, we received a message from Rebecca, who left in 2015. Unfortunately, she couldn’t attend this year’s reunion due to being over 6,000 miles away. 

Rebecca is currently studying Mandarin at the National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and she is loving it. She’s become well-acquainted with the local transportation, including trains, trams, underground systems, buses, ferries, bicycles, and e-bikes. Her adventures extend to exploring tiny islands off the coast of Taiwan, where she swims with turtles in secluded bays. No special equipment is needed—just a snorkel and mask! Rebecca and her flatmates fearlessly sample various local delicacies, even when they are unsure of what they’re eating. After another month of lectures, she plans to travel around Asia before returning home in early July. 

Rebecca’s passion for sports, cultivated during her time at Westbrook Hay, includes swimming and golf. She hopes to spend the summer teaching swim classes at Berkhamsted Sports Centre, now that she’s fully qualified as an instructor. Additionally, she might take shifts at the restaurant in the Golf Club. Her next adventure awaits as she heads back to Leeds University for two more years of her Chinese & Business Degree. Rebecca shared, ‘I’m thrilled that you wanted to include me on this page. My memories of Westbrook Hay are cherished, and I hope to inspire younger pupils to step out of their comfort zones and seek new experiences!


Rebecca's travels

Former Pupils