Years 1 - 4 Christingle Service
Pupils from Years 1 - 4 came together to celebrate the festive season at the end of term School Christingle Service this week. There were plenty of opportunities for them to be involved in telling the Christmas story. This year families were invited to join the school for the service held at St John’s Church, Boxmoor and it proved to be a joyous occasion.
During the weeks before, pupils from all year groups had attended choir practice as well learnt readings and auditioned to read during the service. Those who were chosen to perform stood proudly and delivered their lines with confidence and pride. Performing at such a young age, including musical performances really helps build pupils confidence through performance and everyone involved really did shine.
During the service there were several opportunities for pupils to take on key roles. Mary and Joseph, The Wise Men, Shepherds and Kings all proudly walked around church while the Vicar involved the children in telling the Christmas Story. The service culminated with the pupils making their own Christingle from the component parts they had been given. They came up with some very good suggestions when discussing what each part symbolised.
The service was one of many Christmas themed activities to mark the end of the Autumn term and run up to Christmas.